Wick and Grow takes the worry out of watering houseplants
Wick & Grow helps you water smarter. This self-watering system has been specially engineered to let your plants drink only as much as they want, so they’re never too wet or too dry. It’s perfect for you if you’re not sure how much/often to give your plants water, if you’re busy and forget to water your plants sometimes, or if you frequently travel.
How it works:
- A specially designed blue-and-white wick is inserted into the soil and hangs down into a water reservoir.
- As your plant grows, it pulls moisture from the soil.
- The wick pulls water from the reservoir up into the soil only as the plant drinks. This ensures your plant is never over- or underwatered.
For Wick & Grow to work properly, make sure:
- Your plant is only watered via the wick. If you water from the top and have the wick in the reservoir, your plant will get too much water and may rot.
- The wick is always in water. If the reservoir gets too low and the wick dries out, it can’t supply water to your plant and your plant may dry out. Refill the reservoir as it empties.
- The water level of the reservoir never touches the bottom of the pot. If the grower pot is in water, the soil will be saturated, and your plant may rot.
Wick & Grow is available in two ways.
- Plants are sold in the grower pot with the wick. You need to supply a pot with a reservoir. Suspend your plant over a vase, dish, or anything that holds water.
- Plants are sold with the wick and in a pot that already has a reservoir.