When should I plant my annuals outside?

When is the right time to plant annuals in the spring?

Wait until after the last spring frost to plant them in the ground or bring them out onto the porch. Your county extension should have the final frost date for your area.


Planting Tips:

  • Choose a cloudy day or evening for planting to protect plants from sun stress.
  • Arrange plants in the bed or pot before planting to ensure proper spacing.
  • Space plants based on their mature size to allow room for growth and display.
  • Most annuals thrive in full sun, so ensure they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Consider the location's sunlight conditions when selecting plants, as some annuals prefer shade.
  • Water plants before removing them from their pots to ensure the root ball is moist.
  • Gently remove plants from containers by squeezing and turning upside-down, then cup the plant as it slides out.
  • Loosen tightly packed root balls by gently pulling the roots apart.
  • Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball and plant the annual, gently packing soil around it to eliminate air pockets.
  • Water thoroughly after planting to ensure the soil is soaked.
  • When planting annuals in containers, use quality potting mix rather than garden soil.
  • Choose mixes with slow-release fertilizers or water-retaining pellets for easier care.
  • If the soil lacks fertilizer, consider adding a time-release fertilizer to support the plants' growth and beauty.