Holiday plants: What to do with them after the season ends

Often, we decorate our homes with beautiful holiday plants, but once the season ends, we're unsure what to do with them. Some are gifts, while others we bought ourselves. So, should we toss them in the compost bin?

Not at all—most holiday plants deserve a second chance at life. Although some plants are genetically predisposed to last only one season, many others can be planted outdoors and live for many years.


Many poinsettias we buy in stores end up in the trash after the holidays. But there's no need to throw them away! If you give them fresh, fertile soil and plant them in a sunny spot in the yard, you'll have poinsettias again when the holiday season returns. Red varieties are usually a bit stronger and longer-lasting.

Norfolk pines

A great tropical alternative to traditional Christmas trees is the Norfolk Island pine. When young, these pines look very similar to the conifers that grow in northern climates. But they have the advantage of being able to grow indoors with good light. Decorate them during the holiday season, and then plant them in the yard. They can also stay in a pot year-round.

Christmas Cactus

When it blooms, the Christmas cactus looks stunning. Its red or pink flowers bring holiday cheer to anyone. But just because it blooms this time of year doesn’t mean it isn’t worth keeping year-round. Get it a bigger pot or basket, transplant it, and place it on the terrace or somewhere with good light.


Rosemary isn’t just an ornamental plant; it’s also aromatic and very useful in the kitchen. A few small sprigs in your dishes and stews can make a flavorful difference. Rosemary loves cool climates and sunny spots, so after the season ends, be sure to plant it in the right location.

Sacred Bamboo

Sacred bamboo is also known botanically as Nandina domestica. This plant is quite similar to the well-known holly. Its leaves stay green most of the year, making it a popular ornamental shrub. However, during the holiday season, it becomes adorned with festive red berries.


Orchids are another beautiful plant often given as gifts for Christmas. But once they finish blooming and the last flowers fade, they often end up in the trash. With the right care and placement, these plants can live and bloom for many years. Place them somewhere with good filtered light, perhaps among the branches of a tree. Remember that some species only bloom once a year.


There are different varieties of chrysanthemums. Some may last just one season, while others can thrive for many years. So, before you buy them, find out which variety suits you best. These plants produce many flowers in a wide range of colors. Combine them in the garden using your own favorite color palette.


Cyclamen is one of those plants that looks beautiful even when it’s not in bloom. This plant stays healthy year-round in cool areas with filtered light. Once it blooms, its colors and flowers are nothing short of exquisite. These can be red, pink, white, or lilac.

Red Azaleas

Azaleas bloom year-round, with lovely, eye-catching flowers that contrast nicely against their bright green leaves. While not a traditional holiday plant, red-flowered azaleas can look just as festive as any other Christmas plant.

Christmas Trees

If you live in a temperate climate, you can plant your pine tree after the holiday season. The trick is to decorate it and keep it in a pot indoors during the holidays, then transplant it outside. Choose a species that suits your climate and find a sunny spot for planting.
