Caring for Bonsai

Caring for bonsai---creating and managing tiny trees that are part of a centuries-old tradition of training trees into beautiful forms of symmetry and balance.

Although traditional bonsai live outdoors, you can enjoy these aging wonders indoors—in your office, your kitchen, your bedroom, or bathroom.

A Brief History

Bonsai is not a type of plant; it’s a way of modifying a plant’s growth. The Japanese word, bonsai, explains it best: the word part bon means a low pot or tray and the word part, sai, means plants or growing. So, bonsai literally translated means, plants growing in a low pot.

In practice, however, bonsai is more than just another way of growing trees; it's an art form that represents balance, harmony, and patience. The idea is to shape miniature trees to look like ancient, full-size versions found in nature. 

Growing and sculpting your own bonsai can take years. But readymade versions allow you to enjoy the beauty of bonsai right away.

Here are some basic steps to keeping your bonsai happy and in top form so it can fill your life and home with zen-like calm and beauty.


Place in the Right Light

Most trees and shrubs grown as bonsai prefer a bright spot indoors. Tropical species make for the best bonsai houseplants.  


Water Consistently

Consistency is key to watering. Bonsai enjoy moist (not wet) soil. And they don’t like the up and down roller coaster of becoming too dry, then too wet. Use the touch test to see how dry the soil of your plant is: Scratch up the top half inch of the soil—if it is dry, it’s time to water. If the soil of your bonsai is covered with pebbles or a moss mat, dig your finger underneath the mulch to determine its dryness. Don’t overwater bonsai; too much water will make the roots drown and die.

Watering will generally need to be done every 5 to 7 days depending on the environment in your home.
  • If your plant comes in a 4- or 5-inch pot use one half cup of lukewarm water.
  • If your plant comes in a 6- or 8-inch pot use one cup.

If your plant happens to be Portulacaria afra --- because this is a succulent watering will likely be every 10 to 14 days in spring/summer and every 18 to 21 days in winter. Water only when the soil mix is dry completely. 

Always check the decorative pot or drip tray 10 minutes after watering and empty any standing water.


Feed Occasionally

Fertilize once or twice during the spring and summer months with a general-purpose indoor fertilizer pellet. Do not fertilize in fall and winter.

Prune for Desired Shape and Form

Bonsai requires occasional pruning (sculpting) to keep its beautiful shape, maintain health, and discourage it from outgrowing its container. Spring, after new growth emerges, is the best time to trim your bonsai. Unlike most plants, you prune bonsai in two ways—by clipping and shaping their tops (leaves and branches) and clipping and removing some roots. Here is how to trim your bonsai:

Prune Leaves and Branches 

Clip excess growth to keep the shape of the plant. Remove leaves or stems that detract from the balanced look of the plant. Remove dried or yellow leaves.

Trim Roots 

Because bonsai are planted in small containers, pruning the roots may be necessary as the plant matures. To do this, remove the plant from its pot and trim larger roots. Make sure to keep a large number of smaller roots with lateral and hair roots. This will help keep the plant from becoming root bound. You generally, have about 2 to 3 years before this is necessary so maybe check out a video or two.


You will know your bonsai is ready for repotting when you start seeing a large number of roots growing out of the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot. You can repot bonsai into larger pots, if desired---keep in mind the idea with a bonsai is to make a tiny tree look like a big one so root pruning is recommended. If you do wish to increase your pot size don't go larger than 2 inches bigger than the previous container.


Identify My Bonsai